IDAVOLL DAO Bi-Weekly Newsletter- October

Idavoll DAO
Oct 16, 2022

Product and Development Update

  1. The Alpen1.5 staking has already ended. The staking function is disabled now, users are suggested to withdraw their funds as soon as possible since the staking contract will not be monitored and maintained.
  2. The new investment DAO is under development now. The on-chain governance is able to adjust contract parameters and will be able to trigger by proposal results.
  3. The contract is now complied by Solang Compiler which can compile smart contracts written in Solidity into the web-assembly format and deploy wasm contract code onto Solana and Parity Substrate

Marketing and Business Updates

  1. Idavoll DAO cross-chain DAO platform support to other chains is in progress.
  2. The team is working on onboarding more strategic partners.

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